Sometimes You Have To Ignore Germaine Greer
LatestA couple of engagement-related stories in the news this week are pretty wretched.
For instance: A piece titled “Six In Ten Brides Have Used Dirty Tricks To Get Engagement Ring On Their Finger” — brought to you, of course, by the Daily Fail, mentions tactics like “bullying,” “threatening” and the line: “Eighteen percent [of women polled] said they took matters into their own hands, by asking their partners to marry them.” How is that a “dirty trick”?
The article called “Rules Of ‘Mengagement’: Are Men’s Engagement Rings A Sign Of Equality?” in the Times of London features a snide quip from Germaine Greer:
“I don’t understand the engagement process, it seems idiotic to me. And it’s already too expensive. In fact, I think it’s all absurd. Marriage is such a hopeless arrangement. Best to stay out of it.”
Yeah, okay, I get where she’s coming from, I can’t help but think: Isn’t how one handles an engagement or wedding intensely personal? When you get caught up in ramifications and implications, doesn’t the love get sucked out of the equation? Don’t logic and dogma evaporate in intimate, romantic situations? Or maybe it’s just that I have a new perspective… because Tuesday I got engaged.
Rules Of ‘Mengagement’; Are Men’s Engagement Rings A Sign Of Equality? [Times Of London]
Six In Ten Brides Have Used Dirty Tricks To Get Engagement Ring On Their Finger [Daily Mail]
Earlier: Male Engagement Rings: “Progress” To Poop On?
Would You Ask A Man To Marry You?