There Are Sensitive Men Out There, Yes Indeed


We’ve all seen those magazine stories where readers send in pictures of sheepish shirtless hunks. Well, last week, we got an email from a dude so sweet it struck us that it might be nice to highlight guys we love.

The guy in question was named Rob, a preschool teacher who said he “loves working with kids” and — despite some parents’ initial reservations — recently won Teacher of the Year. He also wrote, “I know I am not the typical audience of Jezebel but seriously I love your site. It is so refreshing to read your articles and see such strong women and just overall the site just makes so much of an impact to this culture.” We’ll take this over a centerfold any day (okay, most days.) With all the jerks and asshats and creeps we see day in and day out, it’s reassuring to be reminded that there are such great guys out there.

And we’d love to highlight a few! Won’t you tell us about Real Sensitive Guys you love? No shirtless pictures necessary (although, you know, they’re not forbidden) — just a little description of why your particular candidate deserves to make our Court of Honor. The prize? The adulation of thousands of women around the world.

Email me with your nominations! We’ll announce our winners next week.

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