This Woman's Selfie With President Obama Is Too Freaking Cute


A family visiting Kansas City, Missouri got a huge surprise and a selfie with the leader of the free world.

Natalie Carrado and her family were visiting from Denver and stopped at Arthur Bryant’s Barbecue. Just a normal, routine stop to fill up on delicious meats and sauces, no big deal. But then, President Obama stopped by for a visit. Here’s what Carado told KSHB, via 7News Denver:

‘”We were eating at Arthur Bryant’s Barbecue in Kansas City, MO. Visiting from Denver Colorado, (Go Broncos! 🙂 ) Enjoying Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun amusement parks. We were eating at this world famous BBQ, getting ready to watch my husband at the Ringside boxing tournament this week. We had a fun surprise during dinner! In walks Secret Service with an announcement that a “VIP person” would be coming in for dinner. In walks president Obama!”
“It was pretty nice that he was able to speak with every table in the restaurant and we were able to chat with him and hear some fun stories about him and his daughter riding a roller coaster five years ago.
“We didn’t want to bother him for a better picture so we figured this selfie would do. 🙂 Fun times!”

“[Fun] stories about him and his daughter riding a roller coaster five years ago.” I need to hear more about this, please. There is nothing in the world that compares to this woman’s joy at seeing President Obama and getting a selfie with him.

Look at their faces. “OMG YOU GUYS THE PRESIDENT IS RIGHT BEHIND US AAHHHHHHHH.” I wonder how I would react if the President were to suddenly drop by a place where I was eating? It’s probably not going to happen, most likely because I’m sure the Secret Service would take one look at me and place me in custody for “questioning” immediately. But if I wasn’t a threat to National Security, I’d probably see if he wanted to share some fries with me. I’m not usually very generous with my fries but I would share with him. Then again, he seems more like a potato salad man. Or maybe he just skips the starch, because he likes to keep it healthy. Understandable.

Image via Living Denver Twitter

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