Wife Guy Reporting for Duty

CelebritiesDirt Bag
Wife Guy Reporting for Duty
Photo:Mike Coppola (Getty Images)

Alec Baldwin, area wife guy, has logged on.

After Baldwin’s wife Hilaria came under fire for appearing to pose as a Spanish person—a rumor she very convincingly chalked up to reporters’ careless errors over the years—Baldwin posted an eight-minute video of himself defending her. If…that’s what he’s doing in this video.

Baldwin starts off with a meandering monologue against Facebook and how one should avoid the platform if they can. (Agree!) Then he moves onto railing against Twitter, which he calls a “big swap meet” (OK…) where you have to “pick through the garbage” (OK…). Then he goes onto defend himself against his appearance in Jeffrey Epstein’s phone book, saying that the number that was listed under his name was the “dummy line,” the number you give someone whose call you don’t want to return (Hmm…).

Anyway! A little more than five minutes in, Baldwin gets to what I assume is the point of this soliloquy.

“There’s things that have been said lately about people I love and care about deeply which are ridiculous,” Baldwin said. “Consider the source. Consider the source.”

“The majority of what’s been said, and—again, I don’t want to enumerate what those things are—is false,” Baldwin continued. “And some of it’s so spectacularly false … As much as that hurts, the only thing I can do is talk to that half of the public or portion of the public who understands what I mean when I say, ‘Consider the source.’ Consider the source.”

Baldwin ends the video saying it’s a lovely sunny day wherever he is, and he plans to enjoy it. Oh, but one more thing! CONSIDER THE SOURCE.

“When you love someone you want to defend them,” Baldwin whispered. “Consider the source.”

Consider. The. Source. (Me, Marie, writing for Jezebel.com)

Update on Bella Hadid

Sensually licking snow” seems like exactly the sort of thing a model would do in order to later claim that they’re “soo weird.” Hadid sort of is in truth, except for when she called a bunch of maskless cops goofy, which was cool.

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