No One Wants to Come to Lila Rose's Fetus Party


When I profiled 25-year-old Live Action founder Lila Rose last year, she told me that her anti-choice nonprofit was more relevant than ever before. What about the critics who claimed the public was sick of Live Action’s heavily edited and misleading undercover video “stings” on Planned Parenthood clinics? Totally out of touch with reality, she said. Live Action’s work “will have permeated our society and made abortion unthinkable” by 2017, her communications director told me. Lila, of course, would be the catalyst for the movement.

In (just the most recent) evidence that Rose vastly overestimates her significance, only 150 people turned out yesterday for a “march on media” she organized, according to RH Reality Check. (Live Action News reports that “more than a two hundred people” [sic] attended; at least bigwigs Charmaine Yoest and Jill Stanek showed up!) The march was intended to protest the way ABC, NBC, and CBS “censor” coverage of abortion in order to fulfill their secret lamestream media baby-sacrificing agenda.

“ABC is probably the worst offender,” Rose told RH Reality Check, “in lionizing pro-abortion advocates like Wendy Davis [and] not covering basic stories like Gosnell’s trial. For 56 days [from the trial’s start], they didn’t cover Gosnell and yet they spent three times as much time covering Wendy Davis.”

The major networks didn’t focus on the Gosnell trial because it was yet another horrific local story about an individual breaking laws — laws that are already in place, which means it makes no sense to argue that we need stricter anti-abortion laws to prevent another Gosnell-type situation from happening — and they didn’t cover the filibuster at first, either; #SB5 trended on social media sites worldwide before getting any mainstream love. The networks finally started covering Texas when it became clear the entire country felt invested in the bill’s outcome. They’re not going to pay attention to issues that aren’t of national concern, like Rose’s histrionics.

Take it from Live Action News: “Live Action is hopeful the rally may claim some real media attention. They’ve also sent letters to ABC, NBC and CBS asking them to tell the truth regarding abortion, but there has been no response.”

Image via Youtube.

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