One Actress, 23 Years Of Dieting


You know what’s sad about the fact that Ginnifer Goodwin’s been on Weight Watchers since she was 9? Okay, a lot of things, but most recently… that it’s being touted as her “diet secret.”

Seriously, Google it: the headline “Ginnifer Goodwin Shares Diet Secret” comes up as often as the incredulous “Ginnifer Goodwin has been on diet for 23 years!” If it’s a “secret” it’s a pretty extreme one — and if it’s a “tip,” well, let’s hope not too many mothers are reading.

The thing is, as diet regimens go, Weight Watchers is not the most extreme: it’s basically about portion control, moderation, and awareness of what you put into your body. But it’s still a diet: and a diet that demands constant vigilance and focus on one’s food. In short, not healthy for a child.

What we hope people take away from this is not that Ginnifer Goodwin needed to do this or that this is what your child should do to be a movie star! Rather, that what she considers her “shooting weight” has no relation to the rest of the world. And that, after 23 years of dieting and point-counting, “It doesn’t matter what my body looks like, I hate putting on bathing suits in front of other people.” That’s not the quote that’s getting the press, but it’s the one that stays with you… and that all parents should keep in mind.

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