Power Purple And Other Fashion From Recent Political History


How to address the 219-212 passage of a universal health-care reform bill that the President calls an answer to ‘the call of history’? Why, by talking about the pols’ outfits, a la Singin in the Rain‘s “Beautiful Girls!”

For brushing off the protestors, a classic power-suit combo.

A range of springy colors provide tea party drama.

The red flag of Sebelius made GOP voters cringe.

While military details say, “no sick children on the fringe.”

A string of chains, celadon boucle to help incite a riot.
(And if you’re not insured already, 2014 says “buy it.” )

Red ties are best, when you’re in doubt — the cameras are impressed.

But when the bill’s passed in the House, who cares if they’re well-dressed?

[Images via Getty, AP]

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