Same-Sex Marriages Have Been Blocked in Virginia
LatestAll same-sex marriages have been stopped in Virginia as of today. The supreme court is now deciding whether to hear the state’s appeal against same-sex marriage and is also considering the question of whether same-sex marriage should be legalized nationwide. CONFIDENTIAL TO SUPREME COURT: HELL YES, IT SHOULD BE.
Until the Supreme Court decides whether to hear Virginia’s appeal, however, all gay and lesbian couples who would like to be married will have to postpone their ceremonies and those that have already been married are now in what USA Today refers to as a legal limbo, but I would call it a legal purgatory (because I don’t think you can get out of limbo). If the supreme court chooses not to hear Virginia’s case, same-sex marriages will restart. If the court decides to hear the case, however, same sex marriage would not be legal until the case has reached a verdict. A verdict that might not be benificial for the gay and lesbian community in Virginia.
Still, both sides are optimistic about the outcome of the legal proceedings.
“The Supreme Court is making clear, as it already did in the Utah marriage case, that it believes a dignified process is better than disorder,” said Byron Babione, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, which represents the Virginia court clerk opposed to same-sex marriage.
Tim Bostic, the lead plaintiff in the case, said waiting for a final verdict is preferable.
“While we are disappointed that marriages will have to wait, this was not unexpected,” he said. “We feel that this case deserves to be heard by the Supreme Court and be finally decided for all Americans.”
Here’s hoping that The Supreme Court does the right thing and makes these marriages legal not only in Virginia, but nationwide. There is absolutely no reason why the gay and lesbian community (and all people under the LGBT+ umbrella) should be treated like second-class citizens. There’s absolutely no evidence that same-sex marriage hurts children or invalidates the marriages of heterosexual people (other people getting to do it doesn’t make less anyone less special! Trust me!) and discomfort with the idea of gays and lesbians marrying their partners is not a reason to make it illegal. Lots of things make people uncomfortable, and yet here we all are. But don’t take it from me; here’s what a judge on the court of appeals said about it:
“We recognize that same-sex marriage makes some people deeply uncomfortable,” said Judge Henry Floyd, originally appointed a district judge by George W. Bush and elevated to the circuit court by President Obama. “However, inertia and apprehension are not legitimate bases for denying same-sex couples due process and equal protection of the laws.”
Let’s make this happen!
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