Warren Rising

Warren Rising

Get ready for an ungodly number of Trump tweets.

Here’s all the shit we couldn’t cover today:

  • For the first time, Elizabeth Warren has jumped to the lead in national polls, besting longtime frontrunner Joe Biden. Her lead, according to RealClearPolitics, is very slim, but, hey, it’s a lead. [New York Magazine]
  • Warren also announced that if she wins the Democratic nomination, she will pass on big-money fundraisers throughout the general. [New York Times]
  • Republicans are pissed off at how President Trump is handling Turkey but certainly not pissed off enough to do anything meaningful to check his power. [CNN]
  • And speaking of Trump, it turns out he’s a stingy bitch who won’t reimburse cities for law enforcement costs after rallies! [Politico]
  • But half of all voters support impeaching and removing Trump from office now, so maybe he’ll get away with it! [Politico]
  • Including the ever brave Joe Biden:
  • Members of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO voted to only endorse a presidential candidate who supports Medicare for All, a clear break from the position of the AFL-CIO’s national organization and its leaders. [The Intercept]

Here are some tweets the president was allowed to publish:

This has been Barf Bag.

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